Saturday, May 17, 2014


Kenapa ya terkadang kita tidak bisa menceritakan perasaan kita yang sebenarnya pada orang lain? Ya.. Ada kala nya kita berusaha untuk menyembunyikan nya dari orang lain, namun adakala nya juga menyembunyikan perasaan tersebut tak ada guna nya juga.

Yang ada, hanya perasaan yang menumpuk didalam hati.

Mungkin menulis bisa jadi salah satu penyaluran yang bagus. Selama apa yang kita tuliskan tidak terlalu bersifat personal kalau menurut saya tidak apa-apa. Ada hal yang boleh diketahui orang banyak mengenai diri kita, ada juga yang benar- benar tidak boleh diketahui oleh orang lain. Semua nya ada batasan yang wajar.

Dan perlu diketahui bahwa yang membaca tulisan kita mungkin ada salah satu nya adalah orang terdekat kita. :) So, mungkin ada baik nya berhati- hati ya dalam menulis di media sosial seperti blog. Aturan itu tidak berlaku jika kita memang benar- benar yakin tak ada yang mengetahui kita di media sosial.

-Rick Dashner-

Friday, May 16, 2014

First Post

Hello! It's feel so fun to make a new blog for me. I mean.. yeah.. honestly I have another blog. But I think I can't to write too much there because so many people know  me. I juts want to be my self here because I think no one know a  me here. Hahahahaha. But I will tell you a litte bit about me here.

Hello, I can't tell you a real name of me. But I can
to tell you about my life. I'm a senior high school student in Indonesia. So, sorry if my grammar is so bad. I still learn how to write in english fluently. Yeah... as you know that senior high school student has so many problem. Like a about lesson (yeah, my score in school now is go down and down like a deep of  a sea), about my some of my friends( I will tel it later), and about anything.

This is my life.
I want to try to change a whole of my self because I feel naughty and lazy this time. All of my friends has a great spirit to chase their dreams. And me? I have a lot of dreams but I don't have any spirits to make it comes true. I always angry to other people easyly because something that not too imprtant. I feel that I'm not a good leader for my organization and I feel so bad about this. I can't even lead them to do a good thing because I dont have any spirits to do that. I feel so stress about this thing. I have so many friends, and I have someone who I really really hates because some reason. I feel that I 've change to be a bad man you know.

I used to have a good habit, but I leave it this time. I alwasy feel lazy to pray this time (Please forgive me about this ya Allah...) and I still try to fix it. I feel that many people tell a good things about me, but I feel that juts a lie. I feel they dont too like me.

I want to fix it all, I want to change my self to be a nice.
Maybe this things need a lot of times but its okay.
Because I know to developing my self isnt like to make a sandwich. Its need a times.

Wish me Luck Guys!

-Rick Dashner-